Friday, January 28, 2011


I love Fridays. It's pretty much my Saturday now. This is the only day (besides Sunday) where I don't have to do anything. I don't have class, I don't have work, I can just sit around and do whatever I want.

That being said, I figure i'd post a little something before I got ready for whatever might come my way tonight.

So for the past few weeks i've been contemplating on ways to improve my life in general. I figured my best bet was to start working out again. Sure I may look fit right now, but that won't be the case in a few years. I'm relying too heavily on my metabolism which is going to slow down eventually. I've already done that p90x workout regiment. Well, half of it to be honest, but I couldn't keep watching videos of Tony Horton telling me what to do. I figure sometime this weekend i'll go ahead and write down my own workout regiment and stick with that for now. Sources online tell me that you should probably do 2 days of cardio, and 3 days of weights every week. I figure since i'm already dancing on a street corner with a sign for 3 hours straight i'm doing half of my cardio. I just need to build my workout regiment around my job, and school, and this blog. So i'll let all you guys know how that ends up.

With all these things going on right now, i've barely had time to play on my 360 with the guys. I guess that's a good thing cause i've been spending too much time on that thing anyways. I did play for a few hours a couple nights ago with like, 4 of my friends. I forgot how fun riot shields were in mw2. Even more so when you've got your entire team sticking together in a huge group with riot shields. We lost more than we won but good times were had by all.


  1. U ever heard of Insanity?
    its like p90x but it takes 60 days and u don't need any equipment

    followin n lookin for follows
    gluck w ur regime!

  2. You should check out the Starting Strength book. The people over there at /fit/ swear by it. However, the only thing that's worked for me is busting my ass.

    Definitely following (at least i'm trying to but your blog requires a weird step to follow then others) for more updates on your workout and life.

  3. LOL the riot shield group sounds funny! Have you seen the black ops dancing? geeez hahaha. Good stuff man. I like the blog.

  4. Saturdays are chills for me to. Regarding the workouts, all you really need is the dedication the rest will come.
    Good Luck and following!

  5. lol riot sheil idea seems cool i never made a turtle before...

  6. I quit p90x too haha!

  7. Ahh i feel like i should be improving my life too... although it is already pretty hectic (my class load is a effing crazy...)

    anyways, promising looking blog, i'll be sure to check back daily!

  8. tony is xxxtreme when it comes to helping you workout. i did that program on mute. always.

  9. saturdays are the day where you wake up at 12am, lounge about and dont nothing, and then wait to do the same on sunday

  10. Love the weekend. :D


  11. Ya thier jack daniels food is really good. I used to go there all the time.

    World of Warcraft Cheats @

  12. I know how you feel! I feel like I haven't been spending as much time with my 360 as I should have... I really want to try a PS3 too, but for now I'm about finished with Bioshock 2

  13. Was expecting a review of that restaurant, HOW DISAPPOINTING. Just kidding man, I've done the p90x before, can get pretty brutal. Stick with it for sure. And definitely stick with DAT RIOT SHIELD.
